INASE Short Courses

INASE Seminars

  We would like to invite you to attend our Short Courses (Seminars)
       Short Course / Seminar on Non-Linear Systems, Non-Linear Control and Applications, Marathon Beach, Athens, Greece, September 20-21, 2025

Send us your suggestions for your own Short Course/ Seminar by email (see below).
The Lecturer should have taught the subject at a major university in the last few years and have a strong number of publications mainly in Scopus and ISI journals. Courses will be held at the Palmar Club or at the lecturer's University, subject to permission from the academic authorities there.
Each proposal must contain:

* Objectives
* Common target
* Course programme
* Short biography of the presenter
* Venue where the proposer proposes
Proposals are evaluated by our Advisory Committee based on the scientific and academic competence of the lecturer, and whether the proposal will attract a sufficient number of participants.

Send us your suggestions for your own Short Course/ Seminar by email:

Contact Us


Full Papers are published in journals indexed in ISI (Web of Science), EI Compendex, Scopus, GoogleScholar, Copernicus, ProQuest, EBSCO, IET, DBLP, ACM etc as well as in some IEEE Proceedings, IOP, AIP, Springer Verlag. Contact us for details.