Publications: All the papers of our Conferences of will appear (after peer review) in ISI/SCOPUS/EI Compendex/IET (Inspec)/Google Scholar indexed Journals. The registration fees depend on the indexing of the particular Journal. We offer better APC (Article Processing Charges / Fees) than the Web Sites of these OA Journals, because we deliver them great numbers of papers. So, publish with INASE Conferences. Accommodation in PALMAR CLUB: 50 EUR / night (minimum 4 nights) Publication in Journals indexed in Scopus/ISI/EI Compendex (after peer review):600 EUR It is at the discretion of the Organizers to publish some papers without registration in some other journals after the conference. If the authors do not wish, they must withdraw their papers, at least, 10 days before the conference. Presentations: All the presentations must be face-to-face. We do not accept remote presentations. |