Publications: All the papers of our Conferences of will appear (after peer review) in ISI/SCOPUS/EI Compendex/IET (Inspec)/Google Scholar indexed Journals. The registration fees depend on the indexing of the particular Journal. We offer better APC (Article Processing Charges / Fees) than the Web Sites of these OA Journals, because we deliver them great numbers of papers. So, publish with INASE Conferences. (A) Publication in ISI Journals with Impact Factor > 1: 600 EUR - 1500 EUR (provided that the Guest Editor will approve the paper after peer review) (B) Publication in Journals indexed in Scopus and EI Compendex: 600 EUR - 1200 EUR (provided that the Guest Editor will approve the paper after peer review) (C) Publication in Journals indexed in Scopus: 300 EUR - 600 EUR (provided that the Guest Editor will approve the paper after peer review) (D) Publication in Journals indexed in Inspec (IET): 200 EUR - 300 EUR (provided that the Guest Editor will approve the paper after peer review) (E) Publication in IEEEXplore Conference Proceedings: 300 EUR (provided that the Guest Editor will approve the paper after peer review) (F) Publication in other Journals: 0 EUR - 300 EUR (provided that the Guest Editor will approve the paper after peer review) (G) Default Registration (if the authors do not care of the type of the Journal): 300 EUR It is at the discretion of the Organizers to publish some papers without registration in the Journals of (F) after the conference. If the authors do not wish, they must withdraw their papers, at least, 10 days before the conference. Presentations: We offer two types of Presentation. Authors can select which type of presentation they do prefer. (The Publication in the Journals is not related with the type of Presentation) 1. Normal Presentation in the Conference Place. 2. On-line Presentation: For the on-line presentations we decided to use YouTube for all the Presentations. This is the best solution in order to avoid the time difference and network congestion caused by COVID-19, Authors of accepted and registered papers should make video presentations and upload them on YouTube. These Youtube Videos will be shared to conference participants by email. See the following two presentations as representative examples Paper: Towards a Dynamic Computer Based Scaffolding Framework for Adaptive Learning Authors: Panayotis Papazoglou, Sarantos Psycharis, Konstantinos Kalovrektis Dr P. Papazoglou, University of Athens, Athens, Greece Paper: A simple model of government rescue package in response to the COVID-19 and bank performance Authors: Jyh-Horng Lin, Pei-Chi Lii, Fu-Wei Huang, and Shi Chen Presenter: Dr. Fu-Wei Huang, Tamkang University, New Taipei City 25137, Taiwan The email addresses of the Presenters will be sent to all the Participants for possible questions and discussion on the video presentations. |