Computational Fluid Dynamics: High Resolution Algorithms and Fluid Dynamics


Organizer-Chairman: Prof. Edisson Sávio de Góes Maciel
ITA (Aeronautical Technological Institute) / CTA (Aerospace Technical Center)
E-mail: edisavio@edissonsavio.eng.br



The objective of this section is to promote the reunion of several CFD experts to discuss about High Resolution Algorithms, one of the main goals of CFD techniques, and their application to Fluid Dynamics. The main aspect of a CFD research is the use of schemes with suficient accuracy to describe their physical phenomena as real as possible. Hence, the study of such schemes is the objective of any researcher and the space where we can do this is a good place to exchange ideas.


Prospective authors are encouraged to submit their work related, but not limited to, the following topics:
(1) TVD algorithms;
(2) ENO algorithms;
(3) Spectral algorithms;
(4) WENO algorithms;
(5) High resolution echemes applied to fluid dynamics;
(6) WENO algorithms of third and fourth order;
(7) ENO algorithms of third and fourth order;
(8) Finite diference high resolution schemes;
(9) Finite volume high resolution schemes;
(10) Finite element high resolution schemes;
(11) Magnetic field and the high resolution schemes;
(12) Turbulence field and the high resolution schemes;
(13) Aeroacoustics and the high resolution schemes;
(14) Reentry and entry flows and the high resolution schemes;
(15) Reactive flows and the high resolution schemes