Enhancing Efficiency and Performance of Electric Power Systems by Using Smart Grid Technology

Professor Nikolay V. Korovkin
Chef of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Department
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University
E-mail: nikolay.korovkin@gmail.com

Abstract: A new approach for optimization of power system states with Smart grid utilities will be proposed.
The development of electric power systems (EPS) goes to the construction of power plants, connection of new consumers to networks, introduction into service of new power transmission lines. The complication of electric power system structure and configuration results in reduction of their flexibility and has an adverse effect on the main indices of EPS performance: power distribution losses, power quality and power supply security. Actual conditions of operation and development of large EPS call for new control techniques to be introduced, that is why the elaboration of methods to control the power system operation and to optimize its states with respect to various criteria is now the trend of scientific researches of current concern.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Education (degrees, dates, universities):
1978, Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, research engineer
1984, Leningrad State University, candidate of science (Phd)
1997, Saint Petersburg Polytechnic university, doctor of science
Career/Employment (employers, positions and dates):
1978, Leningrad State University, assistance professor
1984, Leningrad State University, docent
1997, Saint Petersburg Polytechnical university, professor
2010, Saint Petersburg Polytechnical university, head of Theoretical Electrical Engineering department