Solid mechanics, Fluid mechanics, Gas Mechanics, Theory of elasticity, Strength
of materials, Elasticity, Plasticity, Viscosity, Hydraulics, Open Channels,
Shallow Water theory, Linear and Non-Linear Waves, Rheology, Erosion and
Sedimentation, Heat and mass transfer, Thin film technologies, Fluid - Structure
Interaction, Multiphase Flow, Boundary layer flow, Material properties,
Hydrotechnology, Hydrodynamics, Waves and Wave modeling, Industrial
applications, Environmental Problems, Air Pollution Problems, Biofluids, Phase
change, Metal casting, Welding, forging and other processes, Heat and Mass
Transfer,Heat Engineering and Thermoscience, Micro and Nano Scale Heat Transfer,
Turbulent heat transfer, Heat storage, Cooling, Environmental protection,
Geophysics and Geomaterials, Continuum Mechanics for Biomedical Applications,
Energy applications, Transportation Theory, Waves on the Highway, Mathematical
Models in Continuum Mechanics, Experimental Techniques in Continuum Mechanics,
Simulation in Continuum Mechanics, Inverse Problems, Education on Applied and
Theoretical Mechanics, Special Topics, Plasticity, Fracture and Damage
Mechanics, Mechanics of Nanomaterials, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Damage
Identification and Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE), Computational and
Experimental Mechanics, Geomechanics and Mechanics of Granular Materials, Flows
in Porous Media, Impact and Multibody, Dynamics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Structural
Dynamics and Control, Dynamic Instability and Buckling, Vibrations, Acoustics
and Noise Control, Manufacturing Processes, Advanced Materials and Smart
Structures, Micro ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), Mechatronics, Transport
Phenomena in Micro/Nanoscale, Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity, Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Turbulence and Multiphase Flows, Biomechanics and
Biomaterials, Surface Engineering and Contact Mechanics, Compressible
Flows, Applications, Others...