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(Previous Conference: BIO 2016, Rome, Italy, November 5-7, 2016)

Prof. Petra Perner, Institute of Computer Vision and applied Computer Sciences, IBaI Leipzig, GERMANY, e-mail: pperner@ibai-institut.de
Title: "New Developments in Image and Spectrometer Signal Analysis for Medical and Biotechnology Applications"
Abstract: The successful introduction of imaging systems and spectrometer system in medical and biotechnological application has led to the necessity to develop new methods for automatic analysis of these data. We describe in this talk two parts of these applications that are image analysis and spectrometer analysis methods. For image-analysis applications we present our new feature description methods that is flexible enough to give a good description of textures on cell images of different kinds. The obtained data are then used for mining relevant pattern or rules in the data. The data mining methods that can work on these data are described as well. For spectrometer analysis, we present our new feature description methods based on delta modulation. That coding method is flexible enough to smooth the data and to bring out a description based on a 0/1 sequence. This prevents us from a symbolic description of peaks and background. The interpretation of the spectrometer signal is done by searching for a similar signal in a constantly increasing data base. The comparison between the two sequences is done based on a syntactic similarity measure. This method allows us to recognize pattern in the signal and to interpret the signal based on a new similarity-based classification. We give results on a high-content screening for drug design and for RAMAN spectroscopy for protein crystallization.