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(Previous Conference: ES 2016, Vienna, Austria, January 15-17, 2016)
Prof. Mirela Mazilu, University Of Craiova, ROMANIA, e-mail: mirelamazilu2004@yahoo.com
Co-authors: Cipriana Sava, Amalia Niţă, Sabina Gheorgheci
Title: "A Green and Competitiveness Model Development- Danube Bend-Eco-Friendly Destination"
Abstract: Green tourism principles, actually, in Romania, have many effects on every single aspect of the hospitality industry. They don't just relate to the environment however important that may be; they also relate from the way business and marketing is done to interactions with society and culture and to economic stability. Now, the conservation is becoming part of tourist markets, by promoting ecotourism as an element of the so-called green economy, which was proposed as a solution to the on-going crisis at the Rio+20 Summit? Additionally, the complex relationship between tourism and the environment is based on the demand for energy, water, land and materials. The Green tourism and green destinations intensifies the use of natural resources, but how does it contribute to deepening systemic environmental contradictions? .Hospitality, travel and ecotourism comprise a multitude of activities which together form one of the world's fastest growing and mutually dependent international sectors. In recent years, tourism has become one of Romanian's most important economic sectors and has significant potential to play a further role in Romania's economic renewal. Hospitality, travel and ecotourism research is fundamental to ensuring that the industry has a positive influence on economies, cultures and societies. In the remainder of the paper, a theoretical background is presented and the research hypotheses are developed. The sections describing the methodology, empirical results, and discussion follow. The paper ends with a summary of theoretical contribution, managerial implications, limitations and future research. This paper has four major objectives: to develop a model of destination competitiveness that identifies key success factors in determining destination competitiveness, to develop an appropriate set of indicators of destination competitiveness; to highlight the advantages and limitations of the model; and to identify areas for further research.