GESE 2014: The 2014 International Conference on
Geology and Seismology

Santorini Island, Greece, July 18-20, 2014

About the Conference

* The 2014 International Conference on Geology and Seismology is an international forum for scientists and engineers to present their latest research and development results in all areas of Geology and Seismology and their possible advanced applications in real life. The Conference has a distinguished Organizing Committee, Steering and Program Committee with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the conference maintains high scientific standards and has a broad international coverage.  All the papers are subject to peer, thorough, strict review by committees' members or 2 or 3 additional reviewers.
* Download (without username/password) previous proceedings

* The Proceedings of the Conference will be published in CD-ROM and Hard-Copy (as book) with all the accepted and registered papers of the conferences and will be indexed in: ISI (Thomson Reuters), ELSEVIER, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt MATH, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS - American Chemical Society, EI Compendex, Engineering Village, DoPP, GEOBASE, Biobase, TIB|UB - German National Library of Science and Technology, American Mathematical Society (AMS), Inspec - The IET, Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, Scholar Google.

* As in all the Previous Conferences, extended versions of all the accepted papers will be promoted to various Journals depending on the quality of each paper (Indexed in ISI, SCOPUS, ACM, DBLP, EI Compendex, AMS, ACS, CiteSeerX, Zentralblatt, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS, Scholar Google etc) for publication as well as in various Springer Verlag Books (Check our Previous Books in Springer).
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Registration fees       Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement     Deadlines

Special Session 1

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Paper Submission

Papers must be written in the correct format:  MS Word.doc  or LaTeX  or LaTeX2   and must be uploaded using the following form as .doc, or .pdf file. As in all the Previous Conferences, all the accepted and registered Papers will be indexed as peer-reviewed publications in ISI and SCOPUS and will be published in CD-ROM and Book (hard-copy). As in all the Previous Conferences, extended versions of accepted papers will be distributed to various Journals depending on the quality of each paper (Indexed in ISI, SCOPUS, ACM, DBLP, EI Compendex, AMS, ACS, CiteSeerX, Zentralblatt, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS, Scholar Google etc) for publication as well as in various Springer Verlag Books (Check our Previous Books in Springer). Only full papers will be promoted to reviewers for peer thorough review. Abstracts will be rejected by default. For the review process only active scholars with many recent publications in ISI and/or SCOPUS will be used and the list with their names will be published in the Proceedings: Hard-Copy and CD-ROM as in all our previous conferences.  The deadline for paper submission expired. We do not accept papers any longer.

Organizing Committee

General Chairs (Editors of the Proceedings)

  1. Prof. Jian Wang,
    Los Alamos National Laboratory,
    Los Alamos, NM, USA
  2. Prof. Efthimios Karymbalis,
    Harokopio University, Athens, Greece
  3. Prof. Ernst D. Schmitter,
    University of Applied Sciences,
    Osnabrueck, Germany

Senior Program Chair

  1. Prof. Marco Mucciarelli
    DiSGG - Università della Basilicata
    Viale dell'Ateneo Lucano 10
    85100 Potenza, Italy

Program Chairs

  1. Prof. Corina Carranca,
    University of Algarve,
  2. Prof. Hing-Ho Tsang,
    Swinburne University of Technology,
    Melbourne, Australia
  3. Prof. Bruno Capaccioni,
    Universita di Bologna,
    Bologna, Italy

Tutorials Chair

  1. Prof. Paolo Budetta,
    University of Naples Federico II,
    Naples, Italy

Special Session Chair

  1. Prof. Rui Pedro Juliao,
    Universidade Nova De
    Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Workshops Chair

  1. Prof. Victor M. Castano,
    Universidad Nacional
    Autonoma de Mexico,
    Mexioc City, Mexico

Local Organizing Chair

  1. Dr. Claudio Guarnaccia, University of Salerno, Italy

Publication Chair

  1. Prof. Marcin Kaminski,
    Department of Structural Mechanics,
    Al. Politechniki 6, 90-924 Lodz, Poland

Publicity Committee

  1. Prof. S. V. Dinesh,
    Siddaganga Institute of
    Institute of Technology, Tumkur, India
  2. Prof. C. C. Sorrell,
    University of New South Wales, Sydney,

International Liaisons

  1. Prof. Belkheir Hammouti,
    Mohammed Premier University,
    Oujda, Morocco
  2. Prof. Fotios Rigas,
    School of Chemical Engineering,
    National Technical University of Athens,
  3. Prof. Ismail Rakip Karas,
    Karabuk University, Turkey
  4. Prof. Christopher G. Provatidis,
    National Technical University of Athens,
    Zografou, Athens, Greece

Steering Committee

  • Prof. Aida Bulucea, University of Craiova, Romania
  • Prof. Zoran Bojkovic, Univ. of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Prof. Reinhard Neck, Klagenfurt University, Klagenfurt, Austria
  • Prof. Imre Rudas, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary

Program Committee

  • Prof. Vladimir Sokolov, Geophysical Institute of Karlsruhe University,Hertzstrasse 16, 76187 Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Prof. Chris Cramer, University of Memphis Memphis, Tenn.,USA
  • Prof. Tom Rockwell, San Diego State University 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182 USA
  • Prof. Levent Yilmaz Louisiana State University College of Engineering, CEBA 3510V Tel: (225) 334-6985 USA
  • Prof. Hong-Kai Chen, Geotechnical Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University, China
  • Prof. David Gomez, University Rey Juan Carlos Edificio Departamental I C/Tulipαn s/n. 28933 Mσstoles Madrid, Spain
  • Prof. Stefano Gresta, Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche Universitΰ degli Studi di Catania Corso, Italy
  • Prof. Shiyong Zhou, Depart. of Geophysics, Peking University, Beijing, China
  • Prof. Shaofeng Liu, Faculty of Geosciences and Resources China University of Geosciences (Beijing) Xueyuan Road 29 Beijing 100083, China
  • Prof. Tae-Kyung Hong, Yonsei University, Department of Earth System Sciences Shinchon-dong, 134, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749, South Korea
  • Prof. Maria Belarmina Diaz, Aguado Department of Mining Exploitation School of Mines Independencia 13 33004 Oviedo Spain
  • Prof. Xiyuan Zhou, Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Retrofit, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
  • Prof. Eser Durukal, Bogazici University Department of Earthquake Engineering Istanbul, Turkey
  • Prof. Alfred Stein, International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Hengelosestraat 99, Enschede, The Netherlands
  • Prof. Zengxi Ge, Depart. of Geophysics Peking University Beijing, China
  • Prof. Mustafa Erdik, Bogazici Univ. Kandilli Obs. & Earthq.Res.Inst. Dept. Earthq. Enrgrg. Istanbul, Turkey
  • Prof. Hing-Ho Tsang, Department of Civil Engineering University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
  • Prof. Sergei Stanchits, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Department 3.2 Telegrafenberg D423, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
  • Prof. David Schaff, Columbia University in the City of New York, NY, USA
  • Prof. Maria Stella, Giammarinaro University of Palermo Sicily, Italy
  • Prof. Gulum Birgoren Tanircan, Bogazici University, Cengelkoy, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Prof. Rui Pedro Juliao, Universidade Nova De Lisboa Lisbon, Portugal
  • Prof. Christos Chalkias, Harokopio University, Dept. of Geography, Kallithea, Athens, Greece
  • Prof. Yanbin Wang Department of Geophysics, Beijing University, Beijing China
  • Prof. Mustafa Aktar, Dept. of Geophysics, Bogazici University Kandilli Observ. And Earthq. Res. Ins. Istanbul, Turkey
  • Prof. Menas Kafatos, Director Center for Earth Observing and Space Research George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia USA  

Topics of Interest

A' GEOLOGY: Mineralogy and Petrology , Historical Geology, Stratigraphy, Palaeontology, Physical Geography, Climatology, Geophysics , Economic Geology, Geochemistry , Geochemical Environmental Pollution , Laboratory of Remote Sensing, Structural geology and tectonics, Features and processes of deformation in rocks, Folds, fractures and fabrics, Structural associations in orogenic belts, Strike-slip zones and extensional regimes, Strain analysis, , Experimental rock deformation, Rock mechanics applied to geology, Theoretical and experimental modelling, Specific Areas' Geodynamics and Geology, Educational Topics on Geology, Special Topics, Others, ...
B' SEISMOLOGY: Dynamic Tectonics and Applied Geology, Tectonics and Geological Mapping, Earthquake engineering, Investigation of specific earthquakes, , Theoretical and observational studies of seismic waves, Inverse methods for determining the structure of the Earth or the dynamics of the earthquake source, seismometry, , Earthquake hazard and risk estimation, , Seismotectonics, Specific Areas' Seismology, Rock mechanics applied to Seismology, Theoretical and experimental modeling, Educational Topics on Seismology, Special Topics, Others ...

Location and Venue

Conference Publications

Accepted Papers are going to be published in

(a) Book, Hard-Copy Proceedings (will be sent to the following indexes: ISI, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, AMS, ACS, CiteSeerX, Zentralblatt, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS, Scholar Google etc)
(b) CD-ROM Proceedings (will be sent to the following indexes: ISI, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, AMS, ACS, CiteSeerX, Zentralblatt, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS, Scholar Google etc)
Review Procees for Book and CD-ROM:
Papers will undergo thorough peer review by 3 international experts. Reviewers have always proper academic qualifications (recent publications in SCOPUS and ISI). You will receive comments from those 3 reviewers and your paper might be
* a) accepted as it is (unaltered)
* b) accepted after minor revision
* c) accepted after major revision
* d) rejected
We cannot guarantee acceptance for cases b) and c), if the reviewers are not satisfied by your response and your (minor or major) modifications to your conference paper.

(c) After new peer thorough review of their extended versions in well-known and reputable international scientific journals depending on the quality of each paper (Indexed in ISI, SCOPUS, ACM, DBLP, EI Compendex, AMS, ACS, CiteSeerX, Zentralblatt, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS, Scholar Google etc)
as well as in various Springer Verlag Books (Check our Previous Books in Springer).
Review Process for Extended Version in collaborating journals:
Extended Versions of high-quality journals will undergo again thorough peer review by 3 international experts. You will receive comments from other reviewers and your extended paper might be
* a) accepted as it is (unaltered)
* b) accepted after minor revision
* c) accepted after major revision
* d) rejected
We cannot guarantee acceptance for cases b) and c), if the reviewers are not satisfied by your response and your (minor or major) modifications to your extended paper.

(d) E-Library with free access for all (no username, no password).