EAS 2014: The 2014 International Conference on Economics and Applied Statistics

Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 23-25, 2014

About the Conference

* The 2014 International Conference on Economics and Applied Statistics is an international forum for mathematicians, scientists and engineers to present their latest research and development results in all areas of Economics and Applied Statistics and their advanced applications in real life.

* The Conference has a distinguished Organizing Committee, Steering and Program Committee with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the conference maintains high scientific standards and has a broad international coverage.  All the papers are subject to peer, thorough, strict review by committees' members or 2 or 3 additional reviewers. The names of the Organizing Committee, Steering and Program Committee members and reviewers appear always in the Proceedings (Hard-Copy Books + CD) and you can see them in http://www.inase.org/library . All the Proceedings are available in http://www.inase.org/library 

Saint Petersburg is a world-class destination and Russia's second largest city, with a population of more than 5 million perched at the eastern tip of of the Baltic Sea and the Neva River. Saint Petersburg was the Imperial capital of Russia. The city was formerly known as Petrograd and later Leningrad.
This is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places on earth, and virtually any building in the large historic center, threaded with canals dotted with baroque bridges, can be considered an attraction—and indeed, it is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This is a magical city, with a long list of major attractions. Its Hermitage Museum, housed in the Winter Palace of the Romanov Dynasty, is both one of the world's greatest and oldest collections of art, treasure, and antiquities, and one of its most beautiful buildings. Saint Petersburg is a major European cultural center, and also an important Russian port on the Baltic Sea.

Proceedings: The Proceedings of the Conference with all the accepted and registered papers of the conferences will be sent for indexing to: ISI (Thomson Reuters), ELSEVIER, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt MATH, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS - American Chemical Society, EI Compendex, Engineering Village, DoPP, GEOBASE, Biobase, TIB|UB - German National Library of Science and Technology, American Mathematical Society (AMS), Inspec - The IET, Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, Scholar Google. As in all the Previous Conferences, extended Versions of all the accepted Papers will appear in well-known and reputable international scientific journals (Indexed in SCOPUS, EI Compendex, AMS, ACS, CiteSeerX, Zentralblatt, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS, Scholar Google etc)

* Contact us by email: support@inase.org

Registration fees         Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement     Deadlines

Plenary Lecture 1: Stiff Models and Gradient Methods with the Exponential Relaxation
by Prof. Igor G. Chernorutskiy, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia.

Plenary Lecture 2: EMG-Analysis for Enhancing Efficiency and Performance of Electric Power Systems by Using Smart Grid Technology
by Prof. Nikolay V. Korovkin, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia.

Plenary Lecture 3: Modeling of Mechanism of State and Private Partnership Development of the Social Infrastructure in the Regions
by Prof. Vladimir V. Gluhov, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia.

Plenary Lecture 4: On Complete Monotonicity of Some Functions of the Mittag-Leffler Type in Non-Debye Relaxation Processes
by Prof. Francesco Mainardi, University of Bologna, Italy.

Plenary Lecture 5: From Physical to Mathematical Circuits: Theoretical and Practical Issues
by Prof. Massimo Ceraolo, University of Pisa, Italy.

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Paper Submission



Organizing Committee

General Chairs (Editors of Proceedings)

  1. Prof. Yuri B. Senichenkov,
    St. Petersburg State Politechnical University,
    Saint Petersburg, Russia
  2. Prof. Igor Chernorytski,
    St. Petersburg State Politechnical University,
    Saint Petersburg, Russia
  3. Prof. N. Korovkin
    St. Petersburg State Politechnical University,
    Saint Petersburg, Russia
  4. Prof. S. Pozdnjkov
    St. Petersburg State Politechnical University,
    Saint Petersburg, Russia

Senior Program Chair

  1. Prof. Ljubiša Kočinac, University of Nis,
    Nis, Serbia

Program Chairs

  1. Prof. Yuri B. Senichenkov,
    St. Petersburg State Politechnical University,
    Saint Petersburg, Russia
  2. Prof. Constantin Udriste,
    University Politehnica of Bucharest,
  3. Prof. Marcia Cristina A. B. Federson,
    Universidade de São Paulo,
    São Paulo, Brazil

Tutorials Chair

  1. Prof. Yury A. Rossikhin,
    Voronezh State University of
    Architecture and Civil Engineering,
    Voronezh, Russia

Special Session Chair

  1. Prof. Yuri B. Senichenkov,
    St. Petersburg State Politechnical
    Saint Petersburg, Russia


Workshops Chair

  1. Prof. Sehie Park,
    The National Academy of Sciences,
    Republic of Korea

Local Organizing Chair

  1. Prof. Vadim Korablev,
    St. Petersburg State Politechnical University,
    Saint Petersburg, Russia

Publication Chair

  1. Prof. Marina Shitikova,
    Voronezh State University of Architecture and
    Civil Engineering, Voronezh, Russia

Publicity Committee

  1. Prof. Vjacheslav Yurko,
    Saratov State University,
    Astrakhanskaya, Russia
  2. Prof. Myriam Lazard
    Institut Superieur d' Ingenierie de la Conception
    Saint Die, France

International Liaisons

  1. Professor Jinhu Lu, IEEE Fellow
    Institute of Systems Science
    Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science
    Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Beijing 100190, P. R. China
  2. Prof. Olga Martin
    Applied Sciences Faculty
    Politehnica University of Bucharest
  3. Prof. Vincenzo Niola
    Departement of Mechanical Engineering for Energetics
    University of Naples "Federico II"
    Naples, Italy
  4. Prof. Eduardo Mario Dias
    Electrical Energy and Automation
    Engineering Department
    Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo

Steering Committee

  • Prof. Dr. H. M. Srivastava, University of Victoria, Canada
  • Prof. Stefan Siegmund, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany
  • Prof. Natig M. Atakishiyev, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
  • Prof. Narcisa C. Apreutesei, Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania
  • Prof. Imre Rudas, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary

Program Committee

  • Prof. Panos Pardalos, Department of University of Florida, USA
  • Prof. Shuliang Li, The University of Westminster, London, UK
  • Prof. Jiri Strouhal, University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Morris Adelman, Prof. of Economics, Emeritus, MIT, USA
  • Prof. Robert L. Bishop, Prof. of Economics, Emeritus, MIT, USA
  • Prof. Glenn Loury, Prof. of Economics, Brown University, USA
  • Prof. Fernando Alvarez, Prof. of Economics, University of Chicago, USA
  • Prof. Mark J. Perry, Prof. of Finance and Business Economics, University of Michigan-Flit, USA
  • Prof. Biswa Nath Datta, IEEE Fellow, Distinguished Research Prof., Northern Illinois University, USA
  • Prof. Gamal Elnagar, University of South Carolina Upstate, Spartanburg, SC, USA
  • Prof. Jiri Klima, Technical faculty of CZU in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Goricanec Darko, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
  • Prof. Ze Santos, Rua A, 119. Conj. Jardim Costa do Sol, Brazil
  • Prof. Ehab Bayoumi, Chalmers University of Technology,Goteborg, Sweden
  • Prof. Luis Tavares Rua, Cmte Guyubricht, 119. Conj. Jardim Costa do Sol. Atalaia, Brazil
  • Prof. Igor Kuzle, Faculty of electrical engineering and computing, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Prof. Maria do Rosario Alves Calado, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
  • Prof. Gheorghe-Daniel Andreescu, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Romania
  • Prof. Reinhard Neck, Department of Economics, Klagenfurt University, Klagenfurt, Austria
  • Prof. Aida Bulucea, University of Craiova, Romania
  • Prof. Zhuo Li, Beijing University Of Technology, Beijing, China
  • Prof. Pradip Majumdar, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois, USA
  • Prof. Ricardo Gouveia Rodrigues, University of Beira Interior, Portugal


Topics of Interest

Organisational Behaviour, Group Dynamics, Organisational Design, Business Management, Financial Management, Financial Accounting, Decision Analysis, Production and Operations Management , Project Management, Human Resources Management, Quality Management, Business Process Reengineering, Business Design and Business Strategy, Managerial Accounting , Multinational Business Design and Development, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Risk Analysis, Marketing, Production and Logistics, Security Problems, Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Logistics, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Production Control, Control Systems, Monitoring, Diagnosis and Maintenance, Real-Time Systems, Large Scale Systems, Hierarchical Systems, Man-Machine Integration, Manufacturing Systems, Concurrent Engineering, Lean/Agile/Virtual Manufacturing, Electronic Commerce, Digital Marketing, Digital Libraries Administration, Virtual Reality, Virtual and Extended Enterprises, Business Law, Legal Aspects of Electronic Transactions, Security and Electronic Payment Systems, Strategic Inventory Control and Warehousing, Public Finance , Policies to Increase Economic Growth, Labor Economics, International Trade, Natural Resources and the Environment, National and International Monetary Economics, Regional Economics, Taxation andGovernment Expenditure, Stock Exchange Analysis and Prediction, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Agriculture Economics, Managerial Economics, Economics of Energy Systems, Economics of Transportation Systems, Political Sciences, Sociology, Crisis Management, Cooperations of Companies, Banking Sector, History of Economics and Business Science, Education, Applications, Others...

Location and Venue

Conference Publications

Accepted Papers are going to be published in

(a) Book, Hard-Copy Proceedings (will be sent to the following indexes: ISI, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, AMS, ACS, CiteSeerX, Zentralblatt, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS, Scholar Google etc)
(b) CD-ROM Proceedings (will be sent to the following indexes: ISI, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, AMS, ACS, CiteSeerX, Zentralblatt, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS, Scholar Google etc)
Review Procees for Book and CD-ROM:
Papers will undergo thorough peer review by 3 international experts. Reviewers have always proper academic qualifications (recent publications in SCOPUS and ISI). You will receive comments from those 3 reviewers and your paper might be
* a) accepted as it is (unaltered)
* b) accepted after minor revision
* c) accepted after major revision
* d) rejected
We cannot guarantee acceptance for cases b) and c), if the reviewers are not satisfied by your response and your (minor or major) modifications to your conference paper.

(c) After new peer thorough review of their extended versions in well-known and reputable international scientific journals (Indexed in SCOPUS, EI Compendex, AMS, ACS, CiteSeerX, Zentralblatt, British Library, EBSCO, SWETS, EMBASE, CAS, Scholar Google etc)
Review Process for Extended Version in collaborating journals:
Extended Versions of high-quality journals will undergo again thorough peer review by 3 international experts. You will receive comments from other reviewers and your extended paper might be
* a) accepted as it is (unaltered)
* b) accepted after minor revision
* c) accepted after major revision
* d) rejected
We cannot guarantee acceptance for cases b) and c), if the reviewers are not satisfied by your response and your (minor or major) modifications to your extended paper.

(d) E-Library